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How to cook a magret with the sauce you like

Marc 15 March 2021 0 comments

For the barbecue experts I want to comment, that for me, there is no better way to cook a magret than cooking it over a good barbecue. However, in the absence of grill… this recipe may be of interest to you.

Today we are going to cook a duck magret at its perfect point, and not just any duck, but an authentic and award-winning duck magret from Les Landes (France). If you are interested, I invite you to read the post at the following link. The problem we find when cooking a duck breast is that if it is left too raw its texture is very rubbery and if it is overcooked it dries out and then it is even worse. The French call the perfect point of the magret is rosé (pink) and to get it, we will seal it well and finish it in the oven. If it can be wood oven, much better.

Here we go!

As we will have a few minutes in the oven, it will give us time to prepare a wonderful sweet and sour sauce, perfect for duck meat, in which you can use the fruit that you like the most or the one that the season offers you best. It is a base sauce recipe that will allow you to cook an infinite number of different sauces by simply changing the jams and fruits. Now let’s get cooking!


2 personas

  • 1 duck magret of 400 g approx.
  • 1 tablespoon of HP sauce
  • 1/2 tablespoon Teriyaki sauce
  • 1/2 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon of natural yogurt
  • 15 g butter
  • Marmalade and fruit to taste
  • Sea salt
  • White pepper

Magret de Pato


The first thing to do is to cut the fat in a rhomboid shape. The fat, melting in the pan, will be used to cook the magret, giving it all its flavor. The cuts will allow the liquefied fat to cook the meat well.


We then start cooking the duck breast on the fat side. Cooking time at 3/4 heat: 3 minutes.


Season the lean part of the magret, preferably with sea salt and white pepper.


Cook now on the other side. Cooking time at 3/4 heat: 3 minutes.

Once the 3 minutes have elapsed, place the duck breast in the oven, preheated to 150º for 6 minutes.


In a separate pan we will make the sauce.

We introduce the sauces: HP, Teriyaki and soy together with the butter and the most suitable jam according to the sauce you want to make. If you have figs, fig jam, if you have apricots or cherries, then apricot or cherry jam.

The fruit can be introduced at the moment of adding the spoonful of yogurt, not before, so you will keep a good texture of the fruit.

Heat over low heat, stirring gently and constantly.


When the sauce has this aspect is the moment to add the natural yogurt (without sugar, if the yogurt is of thick texture much better) and the fruit that you have chosen cut into not very big cubes.


To bind the sauce well, keep this boiling point, as shown in the photo, stirring constantly.

In this preparation you can see that I did not use any fruit, I just made the base sauce to better appreciate the texture.


This is the great look we have to achieve. If the sauce is not shiny enough, you can add a knob of butter and with the residual heat, stirring gently, you will end up brightening it.


Una muestra del resultado final antes de escalopar


And finally we escalopamos and salseamos. I hope you liked it. Any clarification or comment, do not hesitate to write it in comments, I will be happy to answer you as soon as possible. Enjoy your meal!

You can buy duck magret and other duck products in our online store.

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