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Chicken with shrimp, Southeast Asian touch.

Santi Grimau 12 June 2020 0 comments

It is a simple but very succulent dish and quite quick to prepare following the guidelines. Here we go!

Receta pollo con gambas toque del sudeste asiático


2 persons

  • 2 boneless chicken thighs
  • 150 g peeled gambot tails
  • 12 shiitakes
  • 12 pear cherry tomatoes
  • 1 onion
  • ½ green bell pepper and ½ red bell pepper
  • ½ fennel
  • Sesame oil
  • Olive oil
  • Coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon curry powder
  • 1 lime
  • Ginger
  • Salt, black pepper in grinder, Espelette bell pepper
  • 1 chili pepper
  • Ponzu sauce

Prepare 2 boneless chicken breasts or 2 boneless chicken thighs. The thigh is recommended because it is more tasty and because it can be browned more without drying out. Dice the chicken as evenly as possible so that they are all cooked equally, season with salt and pepper, grate ginger and the peel of a lemon or lime. Add the juice of half a lemon, leave to marinate covered with cling film, turning from time to time.


Sauté ½ green bell pepper, ½ red bell pepper and 1 onion in a wok with olive oil. Figueras onions are milder in flavor and a fundamental color is obtained for the finish of a dish. Add to the sauté: salt, black pepper, 1 whole chilli pepper chopped with a knife, seeds and all, and 1 teaspoon of Espelette bell pepper. Sauté over high heat, do not confit.


In another bowl, add 30 ml of sesame oil, 30 ml of coconut oil, a tablespoon of curry powder and salt. Mix and add the shrimp tails, leave to marinate for a few moments, turning from time to time.


Cook about 6 perona bean pods, once ¾ cooked stop cooking by putting them in water and ice.


Slice ½ fennel and sear it in a pan with a little sesame oil and salt.

Sauté the shiitakes, cut in half if they are small or in quarters if they are larger, with sesame oil and salt. Remove from heat and add a few drops of toasted sesame oil, set aside.

In the same pan, once the shiitakes have been removed, cut the tomatitos in half and cook them, marking them on the inside, stop the fire, cover and let them finish cooking with the same heat.


Cooking separately by the chicken, with sesame oil, in a strong fire wok and gambas in a paella together with the juice of the marinate. Gambas do not do too much, let them marked and a little crude, then they will end up doing.


We have everything cooked separately and it is time to assemble it. In the wok add the vegetables and when they are hot, add the shrimp. Turn the wok four times and add the chicken, add the shitake and the beans cut in julienne strips and the fennel. Turn the wok 6 or 8 times, add 6 cl of ponzu sauce, 5 or 6 more turns.

Emplatar, añadir unas gotas de aceite de sésamo tostado y las hojas del hinojo y del cilantro por encima.

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